Céline Baux
Céline will take great care in planning your flight and fulfilling your every wish. Her greatest pleasure is to see the stars in her passengers' eyes when they return from their flight. She doesn't just offer a balloon flight, but moments of happiness in her region. Hyperactive, she manages the Ballons Château-d'Oex team and is actively involved in the Pays d'Enhaut.

Max Duncomb
English-born Max Duncomb, our chief pilot and technical manager, has accumulated over 3,000 flying hours in 32 different countries. He acquired his pilot's licence in 1991 and made his first flight in the Pays d'Enhaut region 20 years ago, where he now lives. Max has flown all kinds of balloons, but his heart remains loyal to the colours of Ballons Château-d'Oex. He loves spending a special moment with each passenger.

François Chappuis
François Chappuis has been a pilot since 1986 and a hot-air balloon instructor since 1991. He has more than 2,500 flying hours to his credit. He was born and raised in Château-d'Oex, and has never left except to fly and take part in meetings in the 4 corners of the world. François is one of the founders of our company and was its director for 8 years. He knows all the nooks and crannies of the Pays d'Enhaut, and the mountains he flies over regularly hold no secrets for him!

Simon Drake
Simon was the first professional pilot in the region and the first commercial pilot for our company. His knowledge of the particularities of mountain flying is as much appreciated by our passengers as it is by other pilots in the region!

Xavier Feal
Xavier has had a passion for aeronautics since he was a child, and passed his licence in 2005. An outdoor man, he enjoys discovering the mountains not only from his balloon, but also by mountain-biking across our peaks.

Frédéric Favre
A local boy, Fred specialises in intimate flights in a small balloon. A regular at festivals, he has flown the ‘P'tit Cœur’ over the Châteaux de la Loire, Bristol and St Niklaas. He can often be seen in the skies over La Gruyère, dropping a few parachutists from his gondola.

Cédric Stettler
Cédric is passionate about hot-air balloons. He also flies remote-controlled balloons. The owner of several aircraft, he is also the official pilot of the Château-d'Oex mini-balloon.






