Espace Ballon for the kids

Espace Ballon for the kids

And families

Maestro, the bearded scientist from the “Once upon a time...” series, welcomes your child to the exhibition.  

Each child receives a brochure and takes off with Maestro for a trip around the world ... upside down! During the trip, children can collect 6 stamps in their brochure.

Fun and friendly activities enliven the journey. The take-off of a mini hot-air balloon fascinates the youngest and the oldest.

Screens display images and documentary films, encouraging discussion and allowing for more contemplative breaks during the visit.  

The 4D balloon flight is the highlight of the visit, a memorable moment shared with family and friends.


We are delighted to be working with Maestro and Procidis, the rights holders of the famous “Once upon a time...” series.

Stamps to collect

Stamps to collect

Maestro's brochure wouldn't be complete without its six collectible stamps.  Created by illustrator Keiko Morimoto, they illustrate with humor and finesse the adventures of an exciting journey.

Find your way through the clouds


2 months
Isabelle 9 ans

L'exposition est super! Surtout les tampons et le ballon qui s'envole.

9 months
Chloé 10 ans

C'était trop cool de s'envoler avec l'eau qui mouille. La brochure de Maestro est super mais les tampons sont difficiles à trouver.

1 month
Aimée et Henry-Daniel

Magnifique visite avec nos petits-enfants ! Bravo, c'est super intéressant, quel beau pays on habite!

9 months
Mattias 12 ans

J'ai beaucoup aimé le vol en montgolfière.